期刊论文 /Journals papers:
1. Hua Li, Zhengduo Wang, Lizhen Yang and Qiang Chen. Insight into the remaining high surface energy of atmospheric DBD plasma-treated polyethylene web after three months' aging[J]. Plasma Science and Technology , 2018, 21(1): 015504.
2. Ming Fang, Lizhen Yang, Wenwen Lei, Lijun Sang, Zhongwei Liu and Qiang Chen. The influence of pre-treatment of poly (ethylene terephthalate) on its barrier properties base on ALD Al2O3[J]. International Journal of Nanotechnology , 2018, 15(8-10): 647-654.
3. Haiying Wei, Hongge Guo, Lijun Sang, Xingcun Li, and Qiang Chen. Study on deposition of Al2O3 films by plasma-assisted atomic layer with different plasma sources[J]. Plasma Science and Technology , 2018, 20(6): 065508.
4. Haiying Wei, Hongge Guo, Meili Zhou, Lei Yue, and Qiang Chen. DBD plasma assisted atomic layer deposition alumina barrier layer on self-degradation polylactic acid film surface[J]. Plasma Science and Technology , 2018, 21(1): 015503.
5. Yan Yuan, Lizhen Yang, Zhongwei Liu and Qiang Chen, High power impulse magnetron sputtering and its applications, Plasma Science and Technology , 2018, 20(6): 065501.
6. Haibao Zhang, Lijun Sang, Zhengduo Wang, Zhongwei Liu, Lizhen Yang and Qiang Chen, Recent progress on non-thermal plasma technology for high barrier layer fabrication[J]. Plasma Science and Technology , 2018, 20(6): 063001.
7. Yingying Li, Rida Atif, Ketao Chen, Jiushan Cheng, Qiang Chen, Zhen Qiao, Gregory Fridman, Alex Fridman and Hai-Feng Ji, Polymerization of D-Ribose in Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma[J]. Plasma, 2018, 1(1): 144-149.
8. Zixin Zhang, Zhongwei Liu, Lizhen Yang and Qiang Chen, The study of phosphate-based phosphor powders coated by atomic layer deposition of Al2O3[J]. Materials Research Express , 2018, 5(8): 085025.
9. Xiong, W, Guo, Q, Guo, Z, Li, H, Zhao, R, Chen, Q, Liu, Z, Wang, X. Atomic layer deposition of nickel carbide for supercapacitors and electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A , 2018, 6(10): 4297-4304.
10. Guo, Q.; Guo, Z.; Shi, J.; Xiong, W.; Zhang, H.; Chen, Q.; Liu, Z.; Wang, X. Atomic Layer Deposition of Nickel Carbide from a Nickel Amidinate Precursor and Hydrogen Plasma [J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces , 2018, 10(9): 8384-8390.
11. Guo, Q.; Guo, Z.; Shi, J.; Sang, L.; Gao, B.; Chen, Q.; Liu, Z.; Wang, X. Fabrication of nickel and nickel carbide thin films by pulsed chemical vapor deposition [J]. MRS communications , 2018, 8(1): 88-94.
12. 赵曼曼,桑利军,周美丽,杨丽珍,刘忠伟,陈强,多腔耦合微波表面波PECVD 法沉积DLC 薄膜研究[J],核聚变与等离子体物理,2018, 38(03): 368-372.
13. 张改梅, 王灿, 宋晓利, 何存富, 陈强,纳米多孔氧化硅薄膜的表征及其基于UAFM 弹性性能的检测[J],机械工程学报,2018, 54(12): 109-114.
14. 孙成东秀,马晋遥,杨丽珍,陈强,张跃飞, 原子层沉积Al2O3 纳米管弯曲模量的原位研究[J], 电子显微学报, 2018, 37(01): 1-7.
会议论文及摘要 / List of Presentations at Conferences :
1. Yumeng Wang, Haiying Wei , Lizhen Yang, Zhongwei Liu , Qiang Chen , DBD Plasma Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition Alumina Barrier Layer and its Applications , 18th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition/5th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop (ALD-ALE 2018) , July 29-August 1, 2018, Incheon, South Korea (oral)
2. Yulian Hu , Zhongwei Liu, Qiang Chen , Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition of Iron Carbide for Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution , 18th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition/5th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop (ALD-ALE 2018) , July 29-August 1, 2018, Incheon, South Korea (oral)
3. Qipeng Fan, Zhongwei Liu, Qiang Chen, Zhengduo Wang , Lijun Sang, Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition of Co-C Thin Film as Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysts, 18th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition/5th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop (ALD-ALE 2018) , July 29-August 1, 2018, Incheon, South Korea (poster)
4. Yumeng Wang, Qiang Chen, Dongdong Wang, TiO2 Layer by Low Temperature Atom Layer Deposition for Perovskite Solar Cells, 18th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition/5th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop (ALD-ALE 2018) , July 29-August 1, 2018, Incheon, South Korea (poster)
5. Lizhen Yang, Zhongwei Liu, Zhengduo Wang, Lijun Sang, Qiang Chen, The Role of Discharge in Plasma Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition Technique, 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology (APCPST) , July 24-28, Incheon, Korea (poster)
6. Haiying Wei, Hongge Guo,Qiang Chen, High Barrier Layer Though Dielectric Barrier Discharge(DBD) Plasma Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition Alumina at Atmospheric Pressure on Polylactic Acid Web, The 21st IAPRI World Conference on Packaging , June 19-22, Zhuhai, China (oral)
7. Yunqiu Cui, Jiushan Cheng, Haifeng Ji, Qiang Chen, Experimental Study in Removal of Tetracycline in Simulant Water by Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma, The 16th International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Sept. 2-7, 2018, Tsinghua, Beijing, China (oral)
8. Lizhen Yang, Haifeng, Ji, Zhongwei Liu, Qiang Chen, Perspective of Cold Plasma Technology in Agriculture, ICSaid 2018 , July 12-16, Beijing, China (oral)
9. G. Zhao, C. Niu, Y. Wang, Z. W. Liu, J. T. Ouyang, Q. Chen, Discharge Characteristics and the transfer properety of Helicon Plasma, 11th International Conference on Plasma Science and Applications , October 12-14, 2018, Zhengzhou, China (Invited)
10. Yan Yuan, Haitao Zhang, Qian Li, Zhengduo Wang, Lizhen Yang, Zhongwei Liu, Haibao Zhang and Qiang Chen, Semi-Condutivity ZnO film Prepared by HiPIMS, 25th congress of international federation for heat treatment and surface engineering, Sept.11-14, 2018, Xi’an, China (Invited)
11. 牛晨, 王宇,刘忠伟,杨丽珍,陈强,欧阳吉庭, 螺旋波等离子体中的低场峰及其放电均匀研究, 第一届全国低温等离子体创新应用青年论坛 , 2018年4月13 ~ 15日,西安 (Invited)
12. 杨丽珍,王正铎,桑利军,刘忠伟,张海宝,程久珊,陈强,低温等离子体在功能材料制备与改性方面的研究, 2018年京南三校“新材料”学术沙龙 , 2018年5月5日,北京 (Invited)
13. 张子欣,杨丽珍,刘忠伟,陈强,原子层沉积包覆硅基氮化物荧光粉的结果性能研究, 中国真空学会2018学术年会 , 2018年8月15-18日,吉林 (oral)
14. 罗童, 陈强,Study on Microwave ECR Directional Etching of HfO2 Films in AAO Template, 中国真空学会2018学术年会 ,2018年8月15-18日,吉林 (oral)
15. 王雨萌,曲浩,王东栋,陈强,水等离子体处理钙钛矿型太阳能电池性能的研究, 第五届新型太阳能电池学术研讨会, 2018年05月26-27日,北京 (poster)